Saturday, November 27, 2010

Guilt of procrastinating works fine with me

Even when there’s enough time to study before exam, I don’t start studying until only few days are remaining. I just waste first few days doing whatever I want, which builds up a guilt in me. That guilt gradually becomes stronger. As the exam comes near, tension sums up with guilt & that combination makes me able to do heroic (exaggerated) deeds such as getting good marks despite the fact that I wasted so much time before. If it wasn’t for that guilt I would’ve had a boring book, unfocused gaze & a wandering, day-dreaming mind. It’s interesting how quick my reflexes are, as soon as I look into my book, my mind goes wandering. So, it’s always better for me to start studying late.
(However, every procrastinator may not feel guilty of wasting time like I do).
Same theory for any kind of work. I Procrastinate. When deadline is near, my mind works faster than usual under the influence of guilt & voila! That work’s done. And who knows, in the emergency to finish doing some job, I may even get creative ideas which help me more than in case of an in-time-finished-job. So, I procrastinate. . .

P.S. – I wrote this many days ago, but I procrastinated to post it, you know. . .

Saturday, November 6, 2010

World's full of idjits

Since when bursting firecrackers became part of tradition in Diwali?
People are idjits. . .