Thursday, December 16, 2010

About my guitar playing

It was last September when I joined the guitar class. All I could play after that was, ‘Happy Birthday’ & 2-3 other tunes from some famous movies. I stopped attending after two months & practiced at home. It wasn’t until last month that I managed to play the guitar with more ease than before. Initially, I practiced those 2-3 stupid tunes, but later, as I got better at playing it, I started to pluck strings randomly & then it all started.
            I played it my way. I let my mind command my fingers. Now, my ears analyze what I play & mentally suggest a change if required. Though I’m still a newbie; I’ve improved my guitar-playing a lot.
            It gradually became my passion, to take the guitar, play it according to my mood & compose a new tune. Depending on my mood, I play differently & form different kind of riffs. I started to write those small melodies in a notebook. I was happy that I could play the guitar in a way that reflects the state of my mind. Those riffs which I worked out sound pretty neat & fine, but I never felt proud.
            But, one day, I felt like playing my favourite bands' songs on my guitar. Google helped me get tabs of songs. Then I felt proud of the fact that I could play almost same. That was lame. I drove away from my own creativity. After a while, I decided to be innovative again & to work out my own tunes.
            Today, I’m sitting with my guitar beside me & there's a piece of paper in front of me, which has notation of a freshly composed riff. When I played it over & over again, I got excited & happy. This riff is the best one I’ve ever created. When I compared my work with songs by all those artists out there I felt confident, because, what I’ve created, sounds just great and if I keep practicing this way, I will get better. Now I feel better & can enjoy the originality as well. . .

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Only shirt of a lonely jerk. . .

Only shirt of a lonely jerk knows how bad it is to be alone,
because shirt was always there, when he used to moan

He's not a jerk actually, but people call him that,
his shirt's the only one, with whom he used to chat

People around him, think they are the best,
'I'm not that good' he says, but he's just being modest

They don't respect him, they call him 'underdog',
his shirt's the only thing, you can find on his blog

Yes he has a blog, but nobody even knows,
strange how, on his shirt once, there was a rose

They don't consider him ever, when they are having fun,
he's always far away, his shirt now has a gun

Nobody gave a damn, they didn't see any danger,
already depressed, he has become a puppet of anger

How wrong they are, to think he's still shy,
now he's on a killing spree, ya'll gonna die

He's behind bars now, still he can't suppress a smirk,
because he still has his only shirt, a lonely shirt of a lonely jerk. . .

Sun is going down. . . :(

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Guilt of procrastinating works fine with me

Even when there’s enough time to study before exam, I don’t start studying until only few days are remaining. I just waste first few days doing whatever I want, which builds up a guilt in me. That guilt gradually becomes stronger. As the exam comes near, tension sums up with guilt & that combination makes me able to do heroic (exaggerated) deeds such as getting good marks despite the fact that I wasted so much time before. If it wasn’t for that guilt I would’ve had a boring book, unfocused gaze & a wandering, day-dreaming mind. It’s interesting how quick my reflexes are, as soon as I look into my book, my mind goes wandering. So, it’s always better for me to start studying late.
(However, every procrastinator may not feel guilty of wasting time like I do).
Same theory for any kind of work. I Procrastinate. When deadline is near, my mind works faster than usual under the influence of guilt & voila! That work’s done. And who knows, in the emergency to finish doing some job, I may even get creative ideas which help me more than in case of an in-time-finished-job. So, I procrastinate. . .

P.S. – I wrote this many days ago, but I procrastinated to post it, you know. . .

Saturday, November 6, 2010

World's full of idjits

Since when bursting firecrackers became part of tradition in Diwali?
People are idjits. . . 

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Haters on YouTube and Genre Discrimination

If you think it is easy to spread peace in this world, it is time to rethink. Just go to YouTube to watch few videos and read all the comments people post there. It feels like this world is full of haters. It can be any video, people are just ready to bite each other's head off. If you are watching music videos, people comment how that song, that artist is crap, and how other artists are great. They will compare that genre of music with some other genre which is totally stupid. I mean can’t you understand that everybody has their own taste in music? Every genre is different and has its own style. You just can't label any particular genre bad just because you hate it. For example, take a look at these posts (spams) I recently came across,

You say Lady Gaga, I say Nirvana.
You say Hannah Montana, I say Green Day.
You say Owl City, I say Linkin Park.
You say Jonas Brothers, I say Aerosmith.
You say Justin Bieber, I say Queen.
You say Taylor Swift, I say Guns & Roses.
95% of teens these days listen to the same formulaic, crappy pop over and over again. If you're one of the 5% who still listens to real music, thumb this up, then copy and paste it to at least five videos. Don't let the spirit of rock and roll die! 

Now what kind of bullshit is this? And people copy this post, change names of artists according to THEIR OWN TASTE in music and post to any music video they can find. Without a single thought, they start spamming like hell. . .Oh come on! Grow up! Do you think that some genres shouldn’t exist at all? Stop this GENRE DISCRIMINATION !

2)         Oh dear lord, why do all the kids of these times listen to soundwave disruptions like Justin Babyface and Hannah Whore-ana. Please let all the awesome bands of the good old days blast away the huge pile of shit that the world of today calls music. Amen in the name of Rock.

 Now, this is hot topic. Since Justin Bieber got famous, everybody is talking about him. Haters, lovers they just keep mentioning his name everywhere. It is so annoying to find his name popping everywhere randomly. What haters aren't getting is, by mentioning him everywhere, you're keeping him famous over the internet. So shut up. Enough argument already. There are other artists also in case you want to talk about music. Why him? Shut this fuck up now. . .

And that is just about Music. If you check out any kind of video, you'll find stupid haters like these. I mean, why do you criticize everything? And it is not just about criticizing, it is about hating. People go one step further and post racist comments. This needs to be stopped. No need to talk about Muslims, politics, war and other random things on YouTube. People, get a life and stop being a hater. Just use YouTube in a neutral way. . .